World College

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World College

The KSG is a World College; a school connected to the world outside, that prepares you for learning, living and working in an international environment. This could be abroad, but also in an international company in the Netherlands. At the KSG you learn how to cross your borders literally and figuratively. Internationalisation plays an important role at the KSG. Internationalisation is the thread that runs through all your subjects. For example, your geography class could be taught in English, you will learn more about a famous European composer in music class, your history class teaches you what Europe means to us and you will learn to speak foreign languages.

Why a World College?

The world has become one huge community; a global village. Ideas, beliefs, words and all kinds of products travel the world faster than ever. To speak world languages, use ICT, study, travel and be aware of international matters is increasingly important for everyone. We mean to prepare every student of the KSG for a future as a global citizen.